Action Deferred on Reston Comp Plan Study
Public hearing testimony fraught with details, one-offs and major issues.
When the Fairfax County Planning Commission convened for its meeting on Wednesday, June 14, it granted unanimous approval to defer action on the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study application PA 2020-III-UP1 Hunter Mill, until June 28. Additionally, the commission approved keeping the record open for written comments through June 28.
Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Reston
A 37-year-old man died in a motorcycle crash in the evening of Friday, June 16 in Reston.
Rabid Skunk on Bull Run Occoquan Trail Saturday, June 10
Rabid Skunk on Bull Run Occoquan Trail Saturday, June 10
Last Minute Concerns Erupt Over Reston Comprehensive Plan
Planning commissioner hosts event one week before public hearing.
Why the urgency? The Planning Commission Public Hearing is June 14, Planning Commission Action is June 28, and the Public Hearing and Final Approval by the Board of Supervisors is July 25.
6th Annual Reston Pride Festival
Members and allies of the local LGBTQ community gathered on June 3 to celebrate pride month.
Reston Pride
Final Visioning Presentation for Lake Anne
Streetsense and county staff conduct community meeting; Phase 2 in the works
Streetsense and county staff conduct community meeting; Phase 2 in the works
Memorial Day Weekend 2023
Remembering those who served, and welcoming summer.
Remembering those who served, and welcoming summer.
Honoring Long Hours and Late Nights
Fairfax County dignitaries fete Jim Hart and Pete Murphy.
Fairfax County dignitaries fete Jim Hart and Pete Murphy.
Reimagining Lake Anne in Two Directions
Neighborhood draw or regional appeal?
Neighborhood draw or regional appeal?
Tephra ICA Arts Festival 2023
Launches 50th anniversary celebration
Launches 50th anniversary celebration
Great Falls Rotary Club Donates for Cornerstones Youth
Great Falls Rotary Club Donates for Cornerstones Youth