Reston Local

Reston Local


A Gift of Being a Father

Father’s Day 2021: Capturing dad moments

Being a father is a gift.

Opinion: Column: Wait. What?

After each individual appointment with my oncologist, either virtual or in person, all my prescription needs and my next round of appointments are scheduled while I wait.

95 and Counting

Seniors who are 95 and older reflect on life and offer advice to younger people.

95-year-old Howard Eisenberg says he was carded recently and asked to provide proof of his age as he boarded a train on his way to visit his 80-year-old girlfriend.

2021 Fairfax County Redistricting Advisory Committee

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors appointed the 2021 Redistricting Advisory Committee at its June 22 meeting.

Opinion: Commentary: The Lost Cause and the Big Lie

Events of the last several years have brought to the nation’s attention the corrosiveness to our society of the Lost Cause movement to justify the South’s position on the Civil War.

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No Hot Water Issue Returns for Some Lake Anne Plaza Condo Units

Supervisor Alcorn provides 3-point target plan, including revitalization

Ongoing lack of hot water is an issue again for nearly all condominium owners at the 27-unit, mixed-use Quayside building located at Lake Anne Village Center in Reston.

Opinion: Column: Navigate This

(All these times are approximate – or they're not.

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This Summer Will Be a Balancing Act

Parents face a dilemma: give much needed mental break vs. boosting skills

As camps, swimming pools and simply spending time with friends were cancelled last summer and then followed by a tumultuous school year filled with uncertainty, parents are left to grapple with how to walk the fine line between catching up academically and tending to the overall well-being of their children.

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Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities Rise in the Fairfax County Area

Road design, speeds, lighting and negligence are factors.

This spring has seen several fatal pedestrian accidents, possibly signaling a warning to drivers, pedestrians and transportation engineers that more could be done to lessen these fatalities in Fairfax County.

Opinion: Commentary: Collective Bargaining: A Step to ‘One Fairfax’

At age 20, I took on a job as a grocery-bagger.

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WANTED Feedback Involving No-chase/Chase Fairfax County Police Department Vehicle Pursuits

Flurry of proposed revisions should discourage pursuits of suspects in non-violent felony incidents.

Police vehicle pursuits create the potential for officers, residents and suspects to be killed or seriously injured.

Juneteenth Celebration at Frying Pan Park

The Juneteenth celebration at Frying Pan Farm Park will offer families the chance to hear, see, sample, and create crafts based on the results of African American freedom.

Viewpoints: South Lakes High Graduates Reflect on Graduating in Pandemic Time and Their Next Challenges

Viewpoints: South Lakes High Graduates Reflect on Graduating in Pandemic Time and Their Next Challenges

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‘We Shine Like Stars’: South Lakes Class of 2021 Prevails Over Pandemic

South Lakes High School (SLHS) walked a reported 565 graduation candidates at its Commencement Ceremony, moderated by Senior Class Officers and held at W.T. Woodson High School on June 4.

Opinion: Commentary: Don’t Texas Virginia

This column is being written before the results of Tuesday’s Democratic primary elections are known.