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Opinion: Clearing the Air on New Carbon Standards

The EPA‘s new proposal to safeguard the air we breathe and contain a primary driver of climate change by reducing carbon emissions from existing power plants is the lynchpin to reducing our carbon footprint. As co-chairs of the House Sustainable Energy and Environmental Coalition, we welcome action on carbon pollution and look forward to working with all stakeholders in a responsible manner to advance a 21st century energy economy for America.

Fairfax County is Home to 10 Companies on 2014 Fortune 500 List

Ten Fairfax County-based companies, in industries ranging from defense and technology consulting to financial services and hospitality, hold spots in Fortune magazine’s list of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States. The 2014 Fortune 500 is available online.

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Empire Strikes Back: Establishment Beats Tea Party at Republican Convention

Party insider Ed Gillespie seizes nomination at convention in Roanoke.

When conservative preacher E.W. Jackson took the stage at the Roanoke Civic Center to introduce Tea Party favorite Shak Hill at the Republican convention last weekend, hundreds of conservatives from across Virginia took to their feet. They waved placards.

Classified Advertising June 4, 2014

Read the latest ads here!

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Poverty in the Classroom: Low-Income Students Scattered Through Northern Virginia

Where are the region's highest poverty schools?

When Carla Castro-Claure was approaching the age when she would soon attend Kindergarten, her mother became increasingly concerned about Hybla Valley Elementary School.

Column: Garden Magic

The General Assembly has been in recess since early March when a special session was called by the Governor to pass a biennial budget that had failed to pass in the regular session.

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Dulles Corridor Virtual Tour

Local business leaders get a peek into the future.

A boom in both housing and population is expected as the Metrorail Silver Line stations begin to open.

Week in Reston

Reston Master Plan Phase II Open House and Film Exhibition

Supervisor Cathy Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill) and the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning are hosting an open house on the Reston Master Plan Study Phase II.

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Biggest Virginia Pine Becomes ‘Tree Cookie’

Possible tree competition for county.

Most cookies are done after baking for15 minutes. Not a tree cookie, however.

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Tour de Cure Held in Reston

Cyclists bike to raise funds for American Diabetes Association.

Thousands of persons went to Reston Town Center on Sunday, June 1, to participate in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure Race.

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Dean Klein To Be Awarded

Three county employees win Onthank award.

Dean Klein truly believes homelessness can be eradicated.

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Love Your Body Yoga Festival Comes to Reston Town Center

Yoga studios and wellness centers of Northern Virginia will offer classes, services, and share information at Love Your Body Yoga Festival on Sunday, June 8 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Reston Town Center, 11900 Market Street, Reston.

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South Lakes High School Holds Spring Concert

Reston band students display their music skills.

On May 29, the South Lakes High School symphonic band and wind ensemble performed at the school’s Little Theater.

South Lakes High Student Wins State Competition

Sarah Quan, senior at South Lakes High School in Reston, won first place in the instrumental category of the Virginia State James A. Bland competition May 16.

Reston Concerts on the Town Kick Off New Season

Reston Concerts on the Town, the weekly summer concert series at Reston Town Center, will kick off its summer season on June 7 with Beatles tribute band Hard Day’s Night.

Healthy Cooking with Children

Local foodies say cooking with children can establish a lifetime of healthy habits.

From creating dough for freshly baked bread to squeezing lemons for a neighborhood lemonade stand, Michael Roll enjoys spending time in the kitchen with his children transforming ordinary food into nutritious culinary creations, particularly during the summer. He says that when parents cook healthy meals with their children they model behavior that can last a lifetime.

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Saluting the Seniors

Ceremony in Fairfax recognizes high school seniors who are enlisting in the military.

As high school nears its end for the many seniors of Fairfax, Loudon and Prince William counties, students are faced with countless options of what will be their next step in life.

Team On Going

In anticipation of my next face-to-face appointment with my oncologist, the first in three months (as per usual) and considering a breathing issue I’ve been experiencing the last month or so, my wife, Dina (original Team Lourie member) asked if I wanted my brother, Richard (the other original Team Lourie member), to attend. Not that he wouldn’t attend if asked (he’s local); it’s more that I’m wondering if he really needs to attend, as in whether there will be life-changing, cancer-related decisions where all hands need be on deck. Of course, a week before the appointment I have no legitimate clue – nor have I received any suggestions from my oncologist – that anything of substance/recent changes that have occurred (I have also recently completed my quarterly diagnostic scans and am awaiting those results as well) will be discussed; and that’s the point of this column: how frequently, how/when does the patient/survivor know when team members should be present at these appointments?

Editorial: On Voting in the 8th

Vote this week at your convenience in person absentee, or be sure to vote on Tuesday.

Chances are that if you are a registered voter in the 8th Congressional District, your mailbox has been letting you know that many candidates are running in next week’s Democratic primary.

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Cartoon: Texting While Driving Signs

Texting While Driving Signs