Community Eye Clinic

Community Eye Clinic

Exams, screenings help promote eye health.

Free eye exams are performed as part of the Community Eye Clinic Feb. 1 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center.

Free eye exams are performed as part of the Community Eye Clinic Feb. 1 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center.

More than 100 people turned out for the Community Eye Clinic held Feb. 1 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center. Free eye exams and glaucoma screenings were provided as part of the clinic for both children and adults.

“We’re the first stop along the way in eye care,” said James Paige, Executive Director of Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria and one of the co-sponsors of the event. “If it turns out someone needs glasses, they are able to pick out the glasses of their choice -- one pair of glasses per adult and two pairs for each child. These are all free as part of the clinic.”

The Community Eye Clinic is a joint effort with CCNA, the Alexandria Host Lions Club and the Prevention of Blindness Society.

“It’s important to have people get tested and get glasses if necessary,” said David Rosenblum, president of the Alexandria Host Lions Club. “Seeing well can improve your life tremendously – kids can see a blackboard and learn better – so there is no danger in coming out to get help at an event like this.”

Volunteers for the event included Natalie Lim, a medical assistant in the region.

“Volunteering at something like this helps me learn as well as I pursue my own medical career,” Lim said.

Added Paige, “Today is not just about the eyes, it’s about the hearts and the connections to the community.”