City Attorney Karen Snow, center, celebrates her retirement following 33 years of service; with Joanna Anderson, Christina Brown, Meghan Roberts and Jill Schaub Jan. 29 at Jula’s.
Assistant City Attorney Karen Snow was celebrated at a retirement reception in her honor following 33 years with the City Attorney’s Office Jan. 29 at Jula’s in Canal Center Plaza.
“Karen is sharp, fearless and fiercely intelligent,” said Deputy City Attorney Jill Schaub. “She is also the heart of our office. No one is more thoughtful, caring or generous than Karen.”
Snow graduated from Hamilton College in 1978 and earned her law degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1982. She joined the city attorney’s office in 1991.
“Karen and I together have worked under five city attorneys and at least five city managers,” Schaub said. “She has been the soul of this office and her absence will be deeply felt by the city and all of us in the CAO.”