Stories for March 2021

Stories for March 2021


Wednesday, March 31

Green Summer

Alexandria delegation works with the governor to legalize marijuana on July 1.

Alexandria is about to become the capital of marijuana in Virginia. The city's legislative delegation is at the center of an effort poised to legalize weed this summer, years ahead of an agreement that was struck behind closed doors at the end of the General Assembly session in February.

Tuesday, March 30

Opinion: Commentary: zMOD Approved at Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

What happened?

Sunday, March 28

Opinion: Column: Time Will Tell

Ordinarily, I'd be writing this column this weekend – after this week's events.

Saturday, March 27

Herrity Explains His ‘No’ Vote on zMOD in Fairfax County

Today (Tuesday, March 23) the Board of Supervisors passed a modification of its Zoning Ordinance (zMOD) by a vote of 7 to 3.

Wednesday, March 24

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Restaurant Review: Virtual Visit to All Places Latino in Reston

On the Border

Looking for something to brighten your spirits and spark your appetite?

Opinion: Commentary: Waste Not, Want Not

As a child of frugal parents who grew up during the Great Depression, I was always taught as long as I did not waste food or material things that I would never be without.

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The Lure of Kids’ Trout Fishing Day in Reston

Finding trout and family

Reston Association moved forward with its ever-popular Kids’ Trout Fishing Day, Saturday, March 20.

Saturday, March 20

Opinion: Commentary: Pandemic Shows Workers Need a Voice in Fairfax County

As county employees, we work tirelessly to provide essential services, often behind the scenes, to make sure our county continues to run and families get what they need during this difficult time.

Friday, March 19

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A Lawsuit Challenges TJ Admission Changes

Parents sue to stop TJ’s admission policy changes, alleging anti-Asian race discrimination.

The Fairfax County School Board and Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Scott Brabrand face a new lawsuit filed against them last week in United States District Court in Alexandria.

Opinion: Column: A Shot in the Arm

Literally and figuratively.

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County Highlights

Actions and words by Fairfax County leadership and citizens

In our new series,  County Highlights, the Connection spotlights actions and comments by Fairfax County officials, public servants, and local citizens who call the County's 406 square miles home.

Thursday, March 18

Opinion: Editorial: We Still Need Your Help

We all need community newspapers; community newspapers need your help.

A year later, Covid continues to be the most compelling, most local issue that we face.

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Creating Healthy Mother-Daughter Relationships

Local authors and therapists offer thoughts and guidance.

As a middle school student, Sofie Jacobs was at times mocked by other girls for her fastidious study habits and the good grades she received as a result.

Opinion: Commentary: Celebrate International Women’s Month. And then Keep Going

If nothing else, the past few years have taught us this: It’s International Women’s Month 2021 — and we still have a lot of work to do to achieve equality for women in our country.

Opinion: Commentary: Law and Order and Justice

There is no more important function of government than ensuring public safety.

Wednesday, March 17

Man Fatally Shot in Reston Apartment Community

Detectives from the Major Crimes Bureau continue to investigate a fatal shooting that occurred March 11 in the 2200 block of Winterthur Court in Reston.

Tuesday, March 16

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Heritage Lost Reclaimed in Chapter Book Series

Interview with author Terry Catasús Jennings of Reston

Terry Catasús Jennings of Reston is the author of the newly released children’s chapter book series, “Definitely Dominguita,” published by Simon & Schuster.

Friday, March 12

Honoring Women on Front Lines of Pandemic

The Fairfax County Commission For Women celebrates Women’s History Month 2021.

Thursday, March 11

Opinion: Column: “Cancerversary”

I realize I'm cancer-centric, especially in these columns, but for some reason that centricity didn't acknowledge my February 27th cancer anniversary.

Opinion: Commentary: What is ‘Fair’?

Equity costs - and paying that price will not be fair, but it will be just.

If Black people had a dollar for every individual, organization, and company that publicly professed a commitment to antiracism and racial equity while holding up progress in the name of “fairness,” we could have closed the racial wealth gap ten times over.

Fairfax County Planning Commission Recommends Denial of Flag Limitations

It's not a done deal.

The Fairfax County Planning Commission voted 11-0 to recommend denial to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to replace the current zoning ordinance establishing specific regulations for flags and flagpoles in the New and Modernized Zoning Ordinance (zMOD Updates) countywide.

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Opinion: Commentary: Step into Nature for Improved Health

New research into the health benefits of being in nature prompted the Wall Street Journal reporter Betsy Morris to do a story titled, "For Better Health During the Pandemic, Is Two hours Outdoors the New 10,000 Steps?"

Wednesday, March 10

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Starting from a Clean Slate

Compromise on expungement: automatic for some misdemeanors, petition for some felonies.

Marijuana convictions will be automatically expunged under a bill now under consideration by Gov. Ralph Northam, although convictions for crack cocaine will require missing a day of work and probably hiring a lawyer to go to court and seal the record. The legislation is a compromise crafted late in the General Assembly session by House Majority Leader Charniele Herring of Alexandria and state Sen. Scott Surovell (D-36), who clashed repeatedly over the last year about how the process should work.

Opinion: Commentary: And They Are Off!

Inevitably someone is going to refer to the nominating contests for candidates for the Virginia statewide offices and the House of Delegates as horse races—not because of the characteristics of any of the candidates but because of the crowded field of persons who are offering themselves for public office.

Tuesday, March 9

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Two Giraffes Die in Reston Blaze

Two giraffes at Roer's Zoofari at 1228 Hunter Mill Road in Reston died in a barn fire Monday evening.

Friday, March 5

Opinion: Column: Back to Abnormal

Well, those last two weeks were kind of fun, (comparatively speaking) to the dozen or so previous weeks.

Thursday, March 4

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Fairfax County Readies for Public Employee Collective Bargaining

Holds collaborative meetings with union reps to write rules

Most Fairfax County public employees who provide vital services in education, safety, healthcare, and sanitation like others in counties, cities, and towns across the Commonwealth, will gain a new right on May 1, 2021.

Wellbeing: A Schedule Can Anchor Your Day

How creating a daily routine can ease anxiety during times of uncertainty

Her days were overwhelmingly stressful.

Opinion: Editorial: Brain Injury Awareness: A Personal Story

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month.

In 2007, my kids and I were at a fireworks show in Vienna that was so grand we were in awe of each burst.

Wednesday, March 3

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The In-Person and At-Home Class is One Community in Reston

Lake Anne ES Welcomes Kindergarteners, Pre-K, and Special Ed Students in the Building.

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, Fairfax County Public Schools continued to welcome additional grade levels and groups to school buildings for in-person learning as part of its Return to School plan.

Opinion: Commentary: A Progressive State if We Can Keep It

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin who when asked at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia what kind of government had been formed replied, “a republic if we can keep it!”

Tuesday, March 2

Opinion: Independent Progressive: Reston Association Elections and Covid

Is it my imagination or is Covid 19 still playing an outsized role in my life, perhaps also in yours?