Stories for October 2014

Stories for October 2014


Thursday, October 30

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High Schools to Start Later Next Year

School Board approves later start times.

Phyllis Payne has been fighting for more sleep for a decade. On Oct. 23, it all paid off. The co-founder of Start Later for Excellence in Education Proposal - or SLEEP - saw the Fairfax County Public School Board approve to move high school start times ahead by 30 minutes, 11-1.

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Bocce Court Construction to Continue

Reston Association motion to rescind courts failed.

Residents at Cabots Point lost the battle against bocce ball courts for now. Reston Association voted advancing on their plans to add the game court to the park at their Oct. 23 Board of Directors meeting.

Fairfax County Calendar

Your guide to entertainment in Fairfax County.

For those looking to fill their calendar with some home-brewed, Fairfax County fun stuff (read: entertainment and diversion), The Connection's Fairfax County Entertainment Calendar has many options: weekend jaunts and larks; date night inspiration; winter-to-spring fun; day-long festivals and events; art-outings; family fun-and-learning fusions; plays and shows; beyond-Small Business Saturday local shopping and bazaars; markets of handcrafted wares; music; 1Ks to marathons... the list goes on. If you know of an event not listed in our entertainment calendar, email it to for happenings in south Fairfax County or for entertainment in the northern parts of the county.

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Poll Position

Local academics following the 11th Districts race say there’s really no substitute for the strength of incumbency.

Despite low public opinion of President Obama and a minimally productive Congress, representative Gerry Connolly has plenty going for him as the incumbent seeking re-election in Virginia’s largely democratic 11th district.

Wednesday, October 29

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Board Approves Bicycle Master Plan

The Fairfax County Government Center has several massive parking lots. Many hundreds of spaces. But Bruce Wright and members of the Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling only needed some rack real estate in front of the building. They rode into the afternoon session of the Board of Supervisors on two wheels apiece from Reston, taking the West Ox Road Side Path.

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Stage Presence

Cappies recognized among arts leaders at Arts Council awards.

After Bill Strauss first approached Judy Bowns about creating a student-driven arts awards and journalism organization 16 years ago, the ensuing creative partnership resembled a pair of cartoon characters.

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South Lakes Senior Selected to All-American Marching Band

Fairfax County students chosen for 2015 U.S. Army All-American Bowl performance.

Reston South Lakes senior Samantha Gifford was recognized by the U.S. Army for her selection to the 2015 U.S. Army All-American Marching Band on Friday, Oct. 24. The selection ceremony was held in the theater at South Lakes High School (SLHS) in Reston.

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Washington West Film Festival Held In Reston

Film festival hosted at Bow Tie Cinema.

The 4th Annual Washington West Film Festival was held Oct. 22-26 at Reston and other locations within Northern Virginia. Hosting the opening night film and reception was Reston Bow Tie Cinema at Reston Town Center.

Just a Days Left for Voting Early, Absentee

Virtually every voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee, which includes voting in-person absentee at a variety of locations from now through Saturday, Nov. 1. After that, vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 4 at your assigned polling place.

Letter: ‘Climate Change’ Becomes ‘Weather Event’

To the Editor: Channeling President Obama ("electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"), Delegate Plum takes up "green energy" ("Energy Plan Moves VA in Right Direction," Reston Connection, Oct. 22), hilariously hailing President Obama's "much welcomed National Climate Action Plan."

Sarah Connolly named Parent Liaison of the Month

Each month a school-based parent liaison will be recognized for his or her service to the staff and families of FCPS. The November recipient of this recognition is Sarah Connolly, parent liaison at Aldrin Elementary School.

Reston Lions Host District Conference

District Governor James Ryan, a member of the Reston Lions Club, leads representatives attending the Fall Conference for Virginia Lions of District 24-A held at the Sheraton Reston Hotel on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-18. Over 200 attended.

Column: School Board Takes the Plunge - Sort of

The wheels of change grind slowly in Fairfax County. The move toward later, healthier school start times for teenage public school students is a prime example. Despite support from a wide range of health professionals, the School Board has struggled with the issue for some 20 years.

Column: Running Out of Efficacy

Not that I’m the least bit worried (actually, I’m the most bit worried), but surviving a terminal cancer diagnosis years beyond one’s original prognosis does present its own unique set of problems.

Column: Our Civic Duty


A basic tenet of all levels of civic education is that citizens should vote. We are told of the importance of voting in social studies classes, scouting, and in community groups. Yet, a surprisingly large number of people never learn the lesson. Voter participation in the United States is abysmal when compared to other countries, and Virginia is one of the worst among the states.

Editorial: Change for the Better in Fairfax County Schools

Later start times, full-day Mondays; who knows, next maybe gifted-and-talented programs for poor students?

Who says big bureaucracies can’t make big changes? One year into the tenure of Karen Garza, we have two huge changes that between them impact almost every single student, every family with children in Fairfax County Public Schools.

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Local Foundation Promotes Campus Safety

The VTV Family Outreach Foundation, a Centreville-based national non-profit campus safety advocacy organization, held their 2014 annual meeting last weekend at the Sheraton Reston Hotel. VTV was formed by the families of victims and survivors of the April 16, 2007 mass shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Monday, October 27

Opinion: Vote ‘Yes’ on Transportation Bond

When you enter the voting booth on Nov. 4, you’ll be asked to vote Yes or No on a $100 million Fairfax County transportation bond. (Bonds are a form of long-term borrowing to finance public facilities and infrastructure and spread the costs over a long time frame. Virginia law requires that general obligation bonds be approved by voters in a referendum.)

Friday, October 24

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Herndon Field Hockey Beats Westfield, Wins Conference 5 Championship

Louisville commit Stone leads Hornets to victory with three goals.

The Herndon field hockey team defeated Westfield 3-2 on Thursday night.

Thursday, October 23

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Reston Cornerstones Holds Annual Community Walk

Record breaking crowd attend October walk in Reston.

On Oct. 19, 300 participants attended the annual Cornerstones community walk from Embry Rucker Community Shelter to St. Anne’s Episcopal Church and back. The distance was about two miles and was an opportunity to help provide basic and essential items, such as pillows, dishes and food for those who moved into stable housing through Cornerstones’ Rapid Re-Housing Challenge.

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Dulles Now Screening for Deadly Virus

Local hospitals to treat ill passengers arriving from Africa.

Dulles International Airport was one of five airports in the nation to begin screening for Ebola last Thursday. The Center for Disease Control and Protection trained staff to check all passengers arriving from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to check for signs of illness to prevent more passengers from infecting others during their daily interactions.

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Village Centers to Change With Master Plan

Sustainability, walkability focus with Reston’s plazas.

The village centers are all getting a makeover. County Planning and Zoning officials held a community meeting at South Lakes High School Oct. 18 to find out what residents want to change about their village centers as a part of the Master Plan Phase II planning.

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Lake Anne Plan Approved

Planners envision energy efficient, pedestrian friendly plaza.

Lake Anne Plaza will become the village center of founder Robert Simon’s dreams in a decade. That’s what Reston officials and Lake Anne Development Partners LLC believe. Reston Planning and Zoning Committee approved LADP’s Lake Anne Master Plan on Monday for a four phase green efficient plan for the town’s original plaza.

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Reston’s Lake Fairfax Park Opens For Fall Fishing

Reston park prepares for skateboard event.

Although the carousel is closed and construction is underway on the outdoor water pool the Water Mine, Reston’s Lake Fairfax Park still offers a number of attractions. If you love to fish for trout, you can still join in the fun of the 2014 Trout Program at Lake Fairfax Park.

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Connect Four

Complete ballot of 11th District candidates faced off in Lake Ridge.

It wasn’t so much a down and dirty debate as a no-frills four-way question-and-answer session. Not that AARP and the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area (LWVFA), two of the sponsors of the “Meet the Candidates” series billed the Oct. 14 event as such. Tuesday’s meeting was the penultimate of seven events in the series.

Wednesday, October 22

Connolly to Hold Open Season Workshop for Federal Employees and Retirees

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-11) will hold his annual Open Season Workshop on Saturday, Nov. 15 to help federal employees and retirees navigate through the many changes in the 2015 Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans, dental and vision insurance programs, and flexible spending accounts. The federal government’s Open Season runs from Nov. 10 through Dec. 8.

Pileated Woodpecker Wins Reston Bird Contest

Friends of Reston have announced that out of five birds nominated to be the official bird of Reston, one has received the most votes. In an election conducted online and by paper ballot, 2,748 total votes were counted and verified.

Column: Energy Plan Moves Virginia in Right Direction

Governor Terry McAuliffe had two interesting supporters speak at his press conference on Virginia’s latest Energy Plan—the heads of the state Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. Both endorsed his update of the state’s Energy Plan as a step in the right direction.

Column: Self-Indulgent or Self-Effacing

After re-reading last week’s column: “Not in the Mood,” I began wondering if that column had strayed beyond the boundaries, so to speak, and was too much about me and not enough about my circumstances.

Letter: A Common Sense Candidate

John Foust made a name for himself by serving as a Fairfax County Supervisor for the past seven years.

Fairfax Education Summit to Be Held on Oct. 25

The Fairfax County School Board will host Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) fifth annual Education Summit, Mapping Your Student’s Unique Journey: Explore the Many Choices in Fairfax County Public Schools, on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 8 a.m. at Edison High School.

Self-Indulgent or Self-Effacing

After re-reading last week’s column: “Not in the Mood,” I began wondering if that column had strayed beyond the boundaries, so to speak, and was too much about me and not enough about my circumstances. Certainly I understand, given my column’s recurring theme, that the subjects of me and my circumstances – and the personal stories I share with you regular readers – are basically the same. Still, I never want the content to be considered important because it’s MY life that’s being profiled. Quite the contrary. If the columns were any more about me, you wouldn’t be interested.

Editorial: Yes to Fairfax Transportation Bond

$84 million for pedestrian, bike and trail improvements.

Of more than 75 projects included in the current proposal, on the ballot for Nov. 4, all but seven are designed to make Fairfax County safer and more inviting for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Tuesday, October 21

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Civil War Marker Unveiled

Union soldiers sought refuge in Fields of Fire.

In June 1863, thousands of Union soldiers trudged down Hunter Mill’s dusty roads during the hottest week of the year.

Friday, October 17

Reston Home Sales: September, 2014

In September 2014, 66 Reston homes sold between $980,000-$165,000.

Reston Home Sales: September, 2014

Thursday, October 16

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Crashing the Parties

Marc Harrold, Libertarian; Joe Galdo, Green, run for Congress.

Marc Harrold is a self-professed creature of habit. He’s been going to the same bars and restaurants near his Fairfax home for years, where the close friends he’s made there say his great sense of humor and diverse intelligence help him “hold court” and converse easily with anyone, on any subject.

Sarvis: Warner-Gillespie Debate ‘Disappointing’

Libertarian candidate says chamber’s decision to include only major-party candidates in U.S. Senate debate a “disservice” to voters.

After a full day of campaigning at Fort Belvoir on Friday, Oct. 11, Robert Sarvis talked about his campaign for U.S. Senate, and his disappointment in not being invited to participate in Tuesday’s U.S. Senate Debate — a major televised debate hosted by The Fairfax Chamber at Capitol One’s convention center in McLean. “The Fairfax Chamber informed us that it was nothing other than ‘tradition’ to only invite major party candidates,” Sarvis said. “But this was after we formally requested an invitation, noted that over 145,000 Virginians voted for Robert Sarvis for governor in 2013, and sent them a petition signed by over 1,000 Virginians in support of a three-candidate debate.”

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Warner, Gillespie Clash in U.S. Senate Debate

Stark distinctions on same-sex marriage, immigration, abortion and healthcare.

In front of an audience of Northern Virginia business leaders, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Republican challenger Ed Gillespie honed their attacks on each other during a sharp, wide-ranging debate Tuesday evening, Oct. 7.

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Getting Children Excited for Halloween

Local experts offer advice for keeping trick-or-treating fun, not scary, for small children.

For many children, Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. From Power Rangers and athletes to princesses and pirates, dressing up in their spookiest or most imaginative attire and trolling the streets in search of treats is a major part of the fun for school-age children. For younger children, however, the ghosts and goblins who are meant to entertain can cause too much of a fright.

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The Private School Admissions Process

Local educators offer insider tips on how to select and get a child admitted to the perfect school.

While this school year might still feel new, some parents are already thinking next fall. Or if they’re not, they should be. For parents who are considering sending their children to one of the area’s private schools for the 2015-2016 school year, the application process should be underway.

Not in the Mood

Sometimes, believe it or not, I’m not in the mood to be a terminal cancer patient (duh). Not that the effect is particularly tangible, but the weight of it, as well as the associated waits I’ve occasionally written about, can get awfully heavy. Moreover, in spite of my best psychological efforts, generally speaking, there seems little I can do to diminish its effect. More often than not, it’s merely time; simply time passing and/or time spent trying to talk myself out-of how I feel and in-to how I haven’t failed.

Editorial: Coming - Children’s Connection

During the last week of each year, The Connection devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families.

Wednesday, October 15

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Oktoberfest Held At Reston Town Center

Visitors attend weekend-long festival in Reston.

Despite overcast weather, the 2014 Oktoberfest was held again at Reston Town Center with Alpine Dancers, exhibitors, Oktoberfest fare, beer and carnival rides.

Week in Reston

Weekly happenings in Reston

Three Appointed to the Community Center Board

On Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the request of Supervisor Catherine M. Hudgins, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors appointed three Reston residents to the nine-member Reston Community Center Board of Governors: William Keefe, William Penniman and Vicky Wingert.

Saved by the Feds


As I wrote in a column several months ago, Virginia has historically ceded decisions to federal authorities on major issues on which the state had been unwilling to move forward, despite the Commonwealth's historic antipathy toward the federal government.

John Geer Killing—An End to Impunity?

Independent Progressive

In August 2013, a Fairfax County Police Officer shot and killed unarmed John Geer as he stood in his doorway talking to police. There were many civilian witnesses, including family, to the SWAT team killing.

Eagle Project Completed

Troop 160, Franklin Middle School, held an Eagle Court of Honor last month for James Pesce at Reston Bible Church.

Uplifting, Magical Dance

Reston's Gin Dance Company making impressions.

"Through dance, we deliver our ideas, stories and emotions across without saying a word," said Shu-Chen Cuff, artistic director of the Reston-based Gin Dance Company.

Buzz Aldrin Elementary Named a National PTA School of Excellence

National PTA has recognized Buzz Aldrin Elementary School and the Buzz Aldrin Elementary School PTA as a National PTA School of Excellence for their achievement in building effective family-school partnerships.

‘Sent from God’

Reston pastor retires after two decades of service.

U.S. Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-11) and Supervisor Cathy Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill) joined area church leaders and visitors to celebrate the retirement of Resurrection Baptist Church pastor Ronald Winters on Saturday, Oct. 11 at the Heritage Fellowship Church in Reston.

Column: Not in the Mood

Sometimes, believe it or not, I’m not in the mood to be a terminal cancer patient (duh). Not that the effect is particularly tangible, but the weight of it, as well as the associated waits I’ve occasionally written about, can get awfully heavy.

Tuesday, October 14

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Seeing Red and Blue with Connolly

Colleagues say Gerry Connolly’s vision central to productivity.

Gerry Connolly doesn’t have 20/20 vision. His round wire-framed spectacles and cropped salt-and-pepper mustache have long accessorized his look, whether sporting a black pinstripe suit or a billowy navy University of Virginia windbreaker

Saturday, October 11

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Show for All Ages

Reston Community Players brings the family musical ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’ to CenterStage.

Technical artisans were completing the finishing touches to transport a comic strip to life. Set decorator Bea Morse was nimbly sewing cushions for an oversized couch for the Reston Community Players (RCP) musical, "You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown."

Column: The Age Wave


Last week, Bob Brink, a former colleague of mine who represented Arlington-McLean in the House of Delegates and who was appointed by Governor Terry McAuliffe to be Deputy Commissioner for Aging Services, spoke to the Northern Virginia Aging Network’s (NVAN) annual legislative summit.

Writing a Novel in 30 Days

Hunters Woods fifth graders gear up for 2014 Young Writers Project.

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and for years the NaNoWriMo organization has put forth the challenge to write a novel in 30 days.

Friday, October 10

Bio and Q&A with Gerry Connolly

Q: What do you think are your top three accomplishments in office? A: * The Silver Line. I wasn’t alone, but I'm very proud of my championship of the Silver Line and the fact that it's up and running and succeeding. It took 19 years to sort of get people to reimagine it and get it built. It was a long, tough struggle.

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Help the Homeless Walk Breaks Record

More than 400 people walk to end homelessness in Reston Town Center.

Just minutes before the third annual Help the Homeless walk, Cornerstones CEO Kerrie Wilson kept tearing up as she looked at the crowd around her in Reston Town Center. More than 400 people showed up during their lunch break to raise money for Cornerstones by walking from Reston Town Center to the nearest shelter on Oct. 2.

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Touring the Decades

Reston Home Tour explores homes of all ages.

This year, Reston Home Tour will take visitors back through the decades. Six homes, built from the 1960s until the current decade, are participating in the Oct. 18 Reston Historic Trust and Museum Home Tour the year the town celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Thursday, October 9

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Vienna Broncos Start the Season 4-0

The Vienna Broncos are 4-0.

Wednesday, October 8

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Reston South Lakes High Hosts Back To School Night

Parents meet teachers at South Lakes High School in Reston.

Representatives of community groups and clubs set up booths in the early evening of Oct. 2 at Reston South Lakes High School. The school was hosting a back to school night, and several local organizations wanted to publicize some of their upcoming events.


Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations.

Dear Chairman and Board Members: The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (the Federation) appreciates the many years of support that the Board of Supervisors (BOS) has provided to the Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL). Recently, the FCPL introduced new policies that the Federation decided to examine.

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Focus on Transportation

Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance presents regional priorities at 10th annual event.

“What You Need to Know about Transportation in Five Minutes or Less” was the working title of this year’s Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance (NVTA) seminar and reception held on Sept. 30 at Capital One’s auditorium in McLean.

Column: Week Of, Weak On, Week Off

This column completes the three-week arc which describes what I have endured mostly successfully for approximately five years now: chemotherapy every three weeks – with one year off for good behavior (not really good behavior; the year off was to switch to a twice-daily pill, Tarceva, to be taken at home, since the previous treatment was no longer stemming the tide). It’s been my experience that these anti-cancer drugs don’t exactly work forever.

Sunday, October 5

Cornerstones Announces Thanksgiving Food Drive

For many in the community with stressed budgets and financial challenges, a Thanksgiving dinner isn’t possible. Support of Cornerstones’ annual Thanksgiving Basket Food Drive will help make a fulfilling holiday possible for nearly 1,000 families this season.

Letter: Fellowship House: Preserving Reston’s Principles

To the Editor

I am writing this letter in response to an article titled “Lake Anne Fellowship House Revitalization Halted” (Reston Connection, Sept. 17-23, 2014) to correct and clarify the comments attributed to me.

Column: Fall Sports Fun and Folly

In my spare time I’m a bit of sports junky, especially for football and baseball. Since childhood, my favorites have been the Washington football team and the Detroit Tigers.

A Virginia Statesman


I first heard of Vincent F. (Vince) Callahan, Jr. in 1965 when he ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor of Virginia. It was his first run for political office, and while it may seem that he aimed high to start in those days it was easy to get the Republican nomination since the Republicans always lost.

Friday, October 3

Preference Poll Voting Continues through Friday

Residents and businesses in Small District 5 may cast their vote online or in-person for the 2014 RCC Preference Poll through this Friday, Oct. 3 at 5 p.m. Mailed ballots must be received by the polling agent in Washington, D.C. no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2

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Reston Hosts 2014 Multicultural Festival

Celebration of diversity and community held at Lake Anne Plaza.

”We are here to celebrate all the local cultures of Reston,” said Kevin Danaher, community events director for the Reston Community Center. On Saturday, Sept. 27 Lake Anne Plaza hosted the annual Reston Multicultural Festival.

Thursday, October 2

Suzanne Scholte Fighting for Recognition in 11th District

Suzanne Scholte knows she has her work cut out for her. “This isn’t a race anybody's thinking is worth looking at,” she said at a meet and greet event in Montclair last weekend. “I think it was described as ‘Quixotic.’”

Wednesday, October 1

New Voter Identification Requirements

There are new requirements for voter identification that voters must bring with them to the polling place.

Voting Early, Absentee

Elections 2014

Virtually every voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee, which includes voting in-person absentee at a variety of locations from now through Nov. 1.

Column: Pre-Chemo Peek

I realize, given last week’s column: “Post-Chemo Week,” this week’s column about the preceding week (week-of, actually) of chemotherapy might be a bit bass-ackward, but it seemed reasonable to me that if you regular readers had an interest in the week-after, perhaps you’d have a similar interest in the week-before.